After the sudden death of our beauceron Feru we had to take a pause before getting a new dog, such a shock it was to us. But after about 4 months our interest started back up. The walks, the social interaction, the care... our live was just not complete without a dog.
After looking at some dog breeds it was clear as day we wanter a shephard. Whilst looking on the internet we found, not far from Nantes, a breeder, Anouck, whose speciality was Altdeutsche Schäferhunden. Never heard of that subbreed before but the personality and looks caught our eyes immediatly.
Arné (my husband) wanted a smaller dog than our previous Beauceron, and yes, this breed was smaller. Futhermore, we wanted a girl cause our friend's male Groenendaler did not appreciate other males too well. At Anouck, we had to choose between 2 bitches, and it was important to me that the dog had work in it's blood.
After the pups grown up enough we could get a look at the personalities, and it's then we fell in love with Vyra. So after 8 weeks we proudly came home with our small and naughty girl. In time to get to school, so went to the canine club of Aristo'Chiens in Pointis de Rivière.
Obedience, agility, Vyra loved everything and learned quickly. Since I also wanted to work a bit with nosework I looked for a club where I could learn her that.
We found a club offering Pistage in Montrejeau. Vyra got her certification there but she wasn't happy, the rules were too strict and the exercise was too exact for her. She loved taking her own decisions, something she did just tot get the opportunity to do in this branch of sport.
So we looked further. And a week of Mantrailing in the Morvan at Ann-Jo of Dog Adventure, that definitly caught our eyes! It turned out to be the perfect sport for her, the motivation was apparant with both owner and dog. Definitly not the last time we went there.
And after a few trips to the Morvan I decided to follow the instruction lessons on my own.
In the meantime we did agility, pistage, and we were thinking about expanding our dog family. We found Ryva on the internet, 9 months old but she looked at us with love in her eyes. We couldn't get to her safely due to the corona crisis, but the 15th of december it was ready, and we headed to Valence d'Agen.
After arriving there we let the two dogs meet, and it was directly a click. So Rita (later Ryva) went home with us...
Getting home we went of course to AClub Aristo'Chiens in Pointis for the agility. But Ryva has a different motivation, she's more precise. And of course we wanted to do nosework as well, luckely after some trial and error we found Ann-Jo's Dog Adventure detection work suited her nose perfectly.
And that's how I developped my new passion for working with dogs!
Vyra and Ryva are my source of inspiration for all that can be done with a dog's nose.
So get in contact now!