And then Ryva learned me a whole other branch of nose-work The dogsport detection is based on the work of detectiondogs in practice. Drugsdogs, explosive detectiondogs, and dogs who can detect certain forms of cancer are some of the more well-known examples. But also think of dogs who can detect the smuggle of protected animals, or who can smell hypo's at diabetici.
Whilst in the sport variant we won't be using these odors, but more innocent ones like weapon oil, clove, or anis. The goal being not to train your dog for practical work, but more as a fun sport for dog and owner.
This makes the dogsport, in contrary to it's work counterpart, great for any kind of dog. Futhermore, it's been proved that nosework can reduce problematic behaviour. But for any dog, it's just a fun exercise.
So get in contact now!